Smithwick Letters - Introduction |
Next: Mrs.
Nuala O’Loan – 2 |
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Mrs. Nuala O’Loan –
Seán Kelly.
Dublin 12.
Monday 13.08.07
Your Ref. NOL/RC/SK170707
(Dear Mrs. O’Loan)
Enclosed a courtesy copy of
letter dated Monday 30.07.07 to Brian Lenihan TD, Minister for Justice, less
accompanying CD and A4 compilation – already in your possession.
As no acknowledgement or
return has been received from the Department of Justice up to today’s date,
attached instead is a copy Certificate of (registered) Posting to confirm
As per my previous to you
(ref. NOL/RC/SK170707), two copies enclosed.
While thanking you for past
consideration, if I may be allowed, every good wish for the future.
You will be missed.
Mrs. Nuala O’Loan.
Police Ombudsman for
Northern Ireland,
New Cathedral Buildings,
St. Anne’s Square,
11 Church Street,
Belfast BT1 1PG.
Seán Kelly.
474 Galtymore Road,
Dublin 12,
Monday 30.07.07
(mirrored at)
(Dear Mr. Lenihan)
Please find enclosed a copy
of a five page letter dated Wednesday 11 July 2007 to Mrs. Nuala O’Loan, Police
Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, with enclosures as forwarded with original,
namely an A4 presentation of web site one above and a compact disc of web site
two above.
[Original web sites
discontinued and replaced by above.]
The copy letter to Mrs.
O’Loan has been slightly altered by simplification of language to improve
clarity. The content remains unchanged.
The letter and presentations
contain claims of grave wrongdoing by agencies of state. Most charges have
direct and indirect connection to agencies subordinate to the authority of your
The issues relate in part to
attempts on my life and with lives lost elsewhere. My reference is to events
that took place during the Troubles or arose consequent of them and are not
properly reflected on public record.
I ask that you will, without
fear or
favour, do your duty and rectify that
deficiency. Only then can justice begin to be done and be seen to be done.
A copy of this letter will
be dispatched as a matter of courtesy to the office of the Police Ombudsman for
Northern Ireland.
(Yours sincerely)
Mr. Brian Lenihan TD.
Minister for Justice,
94 Saint Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2.
Seán Kelly.
474 Galtymore Road,
Dublin 12.
(mirrored at)
(Dear Mrs. O’Loan)
A few years ago I forwarded
to you a compact disc of web site two
above. The material was given for information only purposes as my case does not
come within the scope of your remit
[Original web sites
discontinued and replaced by above.]
The website has since been
expanded and updated, in particular to do with the Gibraltar IRA operation of
1987-1988. This may have a tangential relevance to work underway in your office
at this time. The update has understanding not on record in the public arena.
Further understanding is
Two copies of the following
listed enclosures are contained in this dispatch. One is subscribed for
in-house information only purposes. It is my hope that you will personally
retain the second set for possible future reference.
Stapled to this letter is a leaflet
entitled Michael McDowell TD, containing above two web addresses. Over six
thousand of these leaflets were distributed by me in Mr. McDowell’s Dublin
South East constituency during the recent general election.
The enclosed presentation of
A4 pages replicates correspondence in web site one above, between myself and then Minister for Justice, Michael
McDowell TD.
Web site two above (or enclosed cd) is comprised
of three documents: State Murder 1, State Murder 2, State Murder 3. They underscore
the nature and extent of cooperation between fraternal intelligence agencies in
these islands and beyond.
Additionally, they highlight
serious wrongdoing.
The cd was burned on my non
Internet connected computer and can be used with confidence.
Paragraph two in the
McDowell leaflet refers to a “political system that allows agencies of state
acting under assumed privilege to tolerate ‘acts of murder’ and not be held to
In the second web site (or
compact disc), in documents State Murder 1 and State Murder 3, you will find proofs to support these claims. I allude
to compromised IRA operations allowed to proceed in acceptance of the potential
In web site 1 (or A4 pages)
is a 27.11.06 letter to the then Minister of Justice, Michael McDowell TD.
Paragraph six reads: “The horrendous implications of that disclosed will not be
lost on you.”
The implications are those
of state agencies blind-eyeing arms smuggling from Libya.
I have been aware of what I
am about to say for years independent of anything in my web sites and
correspondence to Mr. McDowell.
In the interests of
intelligence gathering IRA arms importations from Libya were knowingly allowed
to land on Irish territory.
Indubitably it was at the
behest and for the benefit of United States and British agencies who will have
valued feet inside the Gadaffi tent above the lives of innocents.
Weapons used in the murder
of Det Garda Jerry McCabe and the wounding of his colleague Det Garda Ben
O’Sullivan in the 1996 Ardare shooting likely came from a compromised Libyan
You might be persuaded of
the worth of the aforementioned claims after a reading of the web sites.
In above there is reference to
work being done by your office to which the enclosed Gibraltar – An Update
document might have a tangential relevance. I refer to investigations into the
Scappaticci-Stakeknife allegations.
When in May 2003 the
Scappaticci name was conjoined to the codeword Stakeknife, the man was widely
credited with having compromised the Gibraltar IRA operation.
That is not a claim I ever
attached credence to.
I offer some opinions.
The genesis of the
Stakeknife saga dates from the late 1990s. The story evolved through security
source leaks to the media on a drip-drip basis over succeeding years, rising to
a crescendo in May 2003 with the claim that alleged IRA spy codenamed
Stakeknife was Freddie Scappaticci.
The floodgates opened and
secret state spinmakers were on hand to feed the media frenzy. Rent-a-quote
from anonymous sources with a vengeance.
The big bang bullshit method
of dissembling. A stock tool of the intelligence trade with many historic
variants and precedents.
You will be familiar with
the modus operandi of intelligence agencies, in particular the Security
Service. In acting out the notion of non existence they almost always operate
at a remove - by manipulation. By such means they can plausibly deny.
For MI5, army intelligence –
instance Force Research Unit, was one such remove.
Was Brian Nelson an agent of
FRU (MI5 at a remove)? Yes. Was Mr. Scappaticci an agent of FRU? Not in my
If that heaped on Mr.
Scappaticci as an alleged IRA informer by ex-FRU and other sources is true, I will
eat my steel toe capped boots – uncooked.
If you are undertaking
investigation into the Stakeknife/Scappaticci claims, knowing you are concerned
with fair play and due process, before passing judgement in these matters
should you not also cast a critical eye over the whistleblowers (Ingram and Co) who made possible the meat and bones
of this story, doing so through the facilitation of a hidden hand?
In that respect, you might
enquire of the Minister for Justice in this jurisdiction what activities Martin
Ingram, to use his pseudonym, was involved in when here, apart from making
possible publication of the Stakeknife book.
You might also ask what
names he used while in the Republic and where is he now.
And while on that, ask the Minister
for Justice what part Irish agencies played in the facilitation and propagation
of the Stakeknife/Scappaticci story and on whose behalf it was done.
Mr. Ingram’s co-authored
book is in my estimation a work of faction.
I’m saying bogus connections have been made to actual events.
You might also seek out and
secure taped copies of the many radio interviews given by Martin Ingram and
ask, from first interview to last, if they are all by the same person.
One constant, it seemed, was
a Yorkshire accent. While variations in the accent over different broadcasts
may have been caused by intentional electronic voice distortion, a question
worth asking is: was this so?
On hearing the broadcasts,
one could be forgiven for thinking there was a variation in the intellectual
performance of the speaker (Martin Ingram). Most (or all?) of the interviews
were conducted by telephone. I believe some from outside the country. All with
the same man?
From the August 1999 Sunday
Times exposition on Stakeknife to the May 2003 Scappaticci disclosure to
publishing the Stakeknife book in 2004, they
managed to iron out some of the presentational incongruities.
Like the one on the UFF
gunmen knowing Stakeknife’s identity by being persuaded to kill Francisco
Notorantonio in lieu of Freddie Scappaticci.
Another had Scappaticci’s
alleged informer money gathering interest in a building society account (easy
to check out if in the UK).
The book has his alleged
wages of sin accruing gold dust in a Gibraltar offshore account (difficult to
check out).
In August 1999 the tale was
that whistleblower Ingram “approached
the Sunday Times because of his anger at what he believed were misleading
television reports on FRU activity in the wake of the Brian Nelson case.” The
disgruntled former operative formula.
In the Stakeknife book the
crook is dressed up as an angel beholden to virtuous concern for justice and
doing the right thing.
Other variations in theme
had to do with security source leaks on SAS ambushes of the IRA in Gibraltar
and Loughgall. In, in May 2003.
Not in the book (2004).
And in the early batting
session “Yorkshire Lad” was said to be from the English midlands. In 1999
reporting he ran a “successful business in central Europe”. (Is that so?)
And more.
It is reported that Neil
Mackay, the Sunday Herald, Glasgow, and Greg Harkin, the Sunday People, the two
journalists and newspapers most involved with the story at the time but
prevented by gagging orders from
naming, were told by MoD that they could publish without legal risk if the
identity behind the Stakeknife codeword appeared elsewhere in public.
Enter a Dublin newspaper
onto the scene (04.05.03) acting as a half way house for the impending
When six days on Scappaticci
was named as Stakeknife on the Internet, notwithstanding claim and counter
claim, an MoD source was obligingly on hand to confirm that man and codename
were one and same person.
It was the starting signal
for lift off. An explosion of revelations appeared in the following day’s
By such means was the
supposed “jewel in the crown” of British spies in the IRA exposed.
Further evidence of official
manipulation is available.
Weeks before claims that
Stakeknife/Scappaticci were one undivided entity had entered the public arena
(Saturday 10.05.03), journalists north and south of the Irish border were
primed with background detail in preparation for the event.
That this exposure was
coordinated between London, Dublin and Belfast is not open to question.
Also not open to question is
that there was a strategic intention behind disclosure.
That the unseen hand pulling
the strings could only be the manipulators
extraordinaire (MI5) is like not open to question.
What is perhaps open to
question is the reason why MI5 (with help from Dublin) should wish to trail a
false scent. That is the question.
One of the questions your
office should be chasing?
Re. the inference that
gagging orders (D-Notice/OSA; or other) were improperly brought into play, with
threats of legal action if breached.
The abuse of these
instruments is not unique to the Stakeknife-Scappaticci case.
Proscriptions applied to me
were apparently observed. They were real. No enablement of others to
circumvent. No gamesmanship.
No media facilitation of
radio or press to publicise. No human rights agency concerned to adopt. No
facilitated Internet disclosure (my web site cannot be accessed through an
Internet search engine). No politico to champion my cause. Nowt.
And had you noticed, there
has been no use of the “mad defence” against the day job men – the recalcitrant
agents. No character assassination. No accidents: near or actual. No veiled
threats or intimidation. Bogus legal games, yes. Oh that I were so privileged.
Therein are some of the
differences between a whistleblower and a whistleblower.
To conclude, I add. I am not
blind eyeing Mr. Scappaticci’s widely alleged wrongdoing. My letter is an
argument for due process, something he is entitled to, even if true he had no care
to give it to others.
In that regard he and MI5
may have more in common than they would wish to admit.
(Yours sincerely)
Mrs. Nuala O’Loan.
Police Ombudsman for
Northern Ireland,
New Cathedral buildings,
St. Anne’s Square,
11 Church Street,
Belfast BT1 1PG.
[Ref. this sentence four
paragraphs above: “My web site cannot be accessed through a search engine”. It
was desultorily so in years before 2007 and maybe almost always so thereafter
to at least spring 2012. On Thursday 9 February 2012, I reported to the
Sundrive Road Garda station in Dublin that my non-Internet connected computer
was subject to external intrusion. I expressed the confident belief that the
source of this abuse was the national intelligence agency in the illegal
pursuit of data. Additional to making issue on that point, I provided a copy of
my web address, saying it was not amenable to a search engine. While the local
Garda barracks said they couldn’t do anything for me, the web address and
complaint were forwarded to the computer crime section of the Garda Siochana in
Harcourt Square, Dublin.
No return was forthcoming
from that office.
In early July 2012, it was
brought to my attention the web site was again amenable to trawl by search
engine – this after years of denied access. Could there be a correlation
between the Garda complaint and the correction? I add, reference is directed to
my State
Murder series web site and not this Stakeknife compilation,
which, though completed for some time, has, with the exception of the release
of one compact disc, only been issued in limited numbers as hard copy. It
remains on my computer as an archive document. In time it may be put aloft on
the Internet.
The State Murder series web
address is A reading will inform why the state
prefers the “sovereign” people should not know about it.]
[Tuesday 31 July, 2012:
Checked to see if my web site was still accessible to a search engine, using
specific target words.
Nothing came up.
What god gives, god takes
away, it doth seem. He has a
disconcerting habit of never informing the concerned party of intending
External intrusions into my
non-Internet connected computer continues.
Any help given to propagate
the web address and the story it tells, or to make it amenable to search
engines, incorporating an extended list of target words, including my name,
will be appreciated.
Thank you.]
Reply from Mrs. Nuala O’Loan, dated 17 July 2007. |
May 2007 election leaflet directed at Michael McDowell, TD. |
Registered post certificate,
dated 30 July 2007. |
Smithwick Letters - Introduction |
Next: Mrs.
Nuala O’Loan – 2 |