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Twitter: @seankellyis












1) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd – Letter dated 6 May, 2008.


2) Prime Minister Julia Gillard – Letter dated 29 June, 2010 (with enclosure).


3) Prime Minister Julia Gillard – Letter dated 8 November 2010 (with enclosures).


Note: There was no return to the above letters.




Letter to Prime Minister Rudd (Tuesday 6 May 2008)


Seán Kelly.

474 Galtymore Road,


Dublin 12 Y224,


Tuesday 6 May 2008

(mirrored at)


(Dear Prime Minister Rudd)



On 27 May 1990, in Roermond, Holland, Australian citizens Nick Spanos and Stephan Melrose were shot dead by an IRA unit who mistakenly believed them to be British military personnel.


Spanos was with his girlfriend Vicki Coss and Stephan Melrose with his wife Lyndal. The women, both Australians, escaped injury.


At the time IRA personnel operating on the continent will have been known of by identity and location to the respective intelligence agencies. But for operational intelligence reasons, in the promotion and protection of informers, they were allowed uninterdicted movement and action – this under the overarching control of the chief player, Britain’s Security Service.


By corollary, the involved state agencies, which no notion of assumed privilege can mitigate, were party to the culpable homicide of Spanos and Melrose, and others, military and civilian, over a lengthy period of time.


My statement is given to you in the name of justice. You will rightly question my claims. The Australian Secret Intelligence Service, who are familiar with my background, will surely have professional cognizance on the Roermond killings beyond my ken.


Like their fraternal counterparts, they are not known for volunteering unsavoury truths to their in-house masters, less still for making them available to the outside world.


Likewise they will have understanding on two attempts to murder me by US and British intelligence agencies, which in one instance was made possible by Australian facilitation.


In 1992 the then member for Wills, Philip Cleary MP, kindly attempted to represent my case to the Australian government. He got no return.


Though only recently installed prime minister in a new Labor government, you have already shown moral and political courage in your actions. It is because of this, and in hope, I now seek to impose on you.


I ask that you would put my claims to test and in the confident expectation of them being found credible, you will do your duty and inform the Spanos and Melrose families, who are entitled to the truth.


For my modest part, I struggle at this end of the world to do my duty, as I have done for 25 years without support and against the most difficult odds. If you come to know that I have been honourable in your back garden, you might feel disposed to reciprocate?


I ask that you would consider this in the name of God.


The enclosed cd of the above extensively researched web site provides background to matters that overtook me.


It contains reference and allusion to events within and without the compass of my case which can be interpreted and vouchsafed by your two main national intelligence agencies ASIS & ASIO. It includes a named Australian citizen known to them.


A name I was of necessity obliged to use.


A reading of the web site will prove that it not only makes claims, it offers proofs. I add that the cd has been burned on my non Internet connected computer and can be used with confidence.


Perhaps you will see fit to respond.



(Yours sincerely)



Mr. Kevin Rudd.

Prime Minister,

Parliament of Australia,

House of Representatives,


ACT 2600,



[Note: Original web addresses replaced by the above.]




Registered postage receipt – Prime Minister Rudd letter.




Letter To Prime Minister Gillard (Tuesday 29 June 2010)


Seán Kelly.

474 Galtymore Road,


Dublin 12 Y224,


Tuesday 29 June 2010

(mirrored at)



(Dear Prime Minister Gillard)



On 27 May 1990, in Roermond, Holland, Australian citizens Nick Spanos and Stephan Melrose were shot dead by an IRA unit who mistakenly believed them to be British military personnel.


Spanos was with his girlfriend Vicki Coss and Stephan Melrose with his wife Lyndal. The women, both Australian, escaped injury.


At the time IRA personnel operating on the continent will have been known of by identity and location to the respective intelligence agencies. But for operational intelligence reasons, in the promotion and protection of informers, they were allowed uninterdicted movement and action – this under the overarching control of the chief player, Britain’s Security Service.


By corollary, the involved state agencies, which no notion of assumed privilege can mitigate, were party to the culpable homicide of Spanos and Melrose, and others, military and civilian, over a lengthy period of time.


My statement is given to you in the name of justice. You will rightly question my claims. The Australian Secret Intelligence Service, who are familiar with my background, will surely have professional cognizance on the Roermond killings beyond my ken.


Like their fraternal counterparts, they are not known for volunteering unsavoury truths to their in-house masters, less still for making them available to the outside world.


Likewise, the same agency will have understanding on two attempts to murder me by US and British intelligence agencies, which was in one instance made possible by Australian facilitation.


In 1992, the then member for Wills, Philip Cleary MP, kindly attempted to represent my case to the Australian government. He got no return.


Though only recently installed prime minister in a new Labor Government, you have already shown moral and political courage in your actions. It is because of this, and in hope, I now seek to impose on you. I ask that you would put my claims to test and in the confident expectation of them being found credible, you will do your duty and inform the Spanos and Melrose families, who are entitled to the truth.


For my part, I struggle at this end of the world to do my duty, as I have done for more than 25 years without support and against the most difficult odds.


If you come to know that I have been honourable in your back yard, you might feel disposed to reciprocate. I ask that you would consider this in the name of God.


The enclosed cd of the above extensively researched web site provides background to matters that overtook me.


It contains reference and allusion to events within and without the compass of my case which can be interpreted and vouchsafed by your two main national intelligence agencies ASIS & ASIO. It includes a named Australian citizen known to them.


A name I was of necessity obliged to use.


A reading of the web site will prove that it not only makes claims, it offers proofs. I add that the cd has been burned on my non Internet connected computer and can be used with confidence.


Perhaps you will see fit to respond.




The above is a repeat of a letter was forwarded to your predecessor, Kevin Rudd, on Tuesday 06.05.08. He did not do his duty. A pity, had he done so, he might not now be the ex-prime minister.


Maybe he remembered Gough Whitlam and decided to play it safe. History is better to those who have the courage to chase their words.




On a lighter note. I read that you were born on 29 September 1961 and migrated, at age of four, with parents and sister to Adelaide on the £10 Assisted Passage scheme, arriving in Australia in 1966 on board the Sitmar Line vessel Fairsky. The arithmetic implies you reached down under before end September 1966.


If memory serves me well, the Fairsky departed from Southampton on 26 April 1966 and hit Australia – Fremantle-Adelaide-Melbourne in May 1966 and Sydney in early June 1966.


You could have been on that passage.


I was.


I took more than one roll of film on the journey, photographing people I came to know and others I scarcely knew, adults and children. The snaps are nothing special but events like the crossing of the equator ceremony and ports of call were recorded.


On the latter, I’m thinking of Suez and Aden.


Friends of mine, the Reeve family (Ivy, Ron, Malcolm, Pam, Jane and Scott) from Birmingham disembarked at Adelaide; they would take up residence at Modbury. Among others, a Welsh family also disembarked there.


The latter are only known of through an attractive young woman, the daughter of another Welsh family, who accompanied them.


I was once familiar with Glamorgan, having been based about twelve miles from Barry, a bit nearer to the real Wales – the Valleys.


Enclosed is a snap of the Fairsky in Aden port taken en-route to Australia in May 1966. If you too were on that passage, it may be of sentimental value. Other photographs can be made available, if of interest.


When in Australia I became a member of the Liberal Party. Doesn’t it take all sorts…?



(Yours sincerely)



The Hon Julia Gillard.

Prime Minister,

Parliament of Australia,

House of Representatives,


ACT 2600,



[Note: Original web addresses replaced by the above.]




TV Fairsky in Aden, May 1966, en-route to Australia.


Proof of receipt. (No track and trace delivery indicated.)




Letter To Prime Minister Gillard (Monday 8 November 2010)



Seán Kelly.

474 Galtymore Road,


Dublin 12 Y224,


Monday 8 November 2010

(mirrored at)



(Dear Prime Minister Gillard)



In June of this year I wrote informing you of the avoidable deaths of Nick Spanos and Stephan Melrose, Australian citizens, in Roermond, Holland on 27 May 1990. The young men were solicitors: a profession you are familiar with. They were shot by an IRA unit who mistakenly believed them to be British troops from nearby German bases.


In my original letter, I claimed: “At the time IRA personnel operating on the continent will have been known of by identity and location to the respective intelligence agencies. But for operational intelligence reasons, in the promotion and protection of informers, they were allowed uninterdicted movement and action. This under the overarching control of the chief player, Britain’s Security Service.


“By corollary, the involved agencies, which no notion of assumed privilege can mitigate, were party to the culpable homicide of Spanos, Melrose, and others, military and civilian, over a lengthy period of time…”


Knowing the protocols that pertain in matters of national intelligence, it was not a surprise that you did not acknowledge receipt of my missive.


While aware of the protocols obtaining, I do not observe them. Murder is murder whatever the imprimatur. Does the duty that reposes upon the head of the humble citizen not like repose on the head of those who are by the process of election called upon to lead?


Are the duties of the high and mighty really subordinate to unwritten laws?




Since my letter of June last, an Australian television company, Channel 7, did an exposition of the Roermond shootings cited above.


It neither posed or answered the “hard questions” on the deaths; more an exercise in film making stunts than investigative journalism.


The film succeeded, in my view, in adding to the grievous abuse already heaped on the Spanos and Melrose families.


Moreover, it failed in its primary objective.


My web site forwarded in June, has been updated – namely in State Murder 1, Section 8. The update [which in the main refers to the shooting dead of an IRA team in Gibraltar by the SAS in March 1988], also offers further measured expansion of IRA activities on the continent at that general time.


The above web address refers.




In my June letter, a photograph was enclosed of the Sitmar Line vessel Fairsky berthed in Aden in May 1966.


It was one of many photographs taken by me en-route to Australia. Other photographs of the Australian bound voyage were processed in recent months by Camera Exchange in Sth Gt George’s Street, Dublin.


Given the lapse of forty years, they deserve a compliment for the fine quality of printing work done.


I lend that praise because more photographs are enclosed. Two (of three like photographs – one is retained) are of a young girl who I think took a shine to me. Maybe it was because of my (then) red hair!


Recently a Melbourne domiciled Australian who has looked at the snaps (M1 35 & M1 36), is confident they are of you. Not knowing if you were on that sailing, I take a more cautious view, believing that they may be of you.


Both were taken well past Suez as the Fairsky steamed towards Aden Port.


Further photographs are enclosed. G1 & G2 show farewell parties bidding slán to the Fairsky as it slips its umbilical hold to terra firma UK. Bon voyage and farewell in one encapsulation.


Mixed emotions for many.


Photographs 2G 18 to 2G 21 show various stages of the crossing of the equator ceremony. 2G 18 includes a bevy of children in a prime viewing position. Is that my young friend standing among them?


Notice the white-belted lady in swimsuit awaiting her faith at the hands of dubious looking “doctors” and “nurses”, she too was from Wales.


Photograph 2G 35 is of Jane Reeve, whose family took up residence in Modbury in South Australia. Jane was a good girl – she didn’t feed her “teddy” to the fishes…


The latter photograph was taken as the vessel was nearing Fremantle.


On the final day of approach to Australia, a tangible silence descended on the ship. For many of its complement, most especially those with family responsibilities, a great unknown far from [the old] home lay ahead.


Minds dwelling on the uncertain and filled with apprehension, spoke without words.


The month long party was over.


The photographs may have a sentimental value to you and your parents.



(Yours sincerely)



The Hon Julia Gillard MP.

Prime Minister of Australia,

PO Box 6022,

House of Representatives,

Parliament House,

Canberra ACT 2600,



[Note: Original web addresses replaced by the above.]


TV Fairsky photograph, approaching Aden, May 1966. Believed Julia Gillard. M1 35

TV Fairsky photograph, approaching Aden, May 1966. Believed Julia Gillard. M1 36

TV Fairsky photograph G1, just before departure from Southampton, April 1966.

TV Fairsky photograph G2, just before departure from Southampton, April 1966.

TV Fairsky photograph 2G 18, crossing the equator ceremony, May 1966.

TV Fairsky Photograph 2G 19, crossing the equator ceremony, May 1966.

TV Fairsky photograph 2G 20, crossing the equator ceremony, May 1966.

TV Fairsky photograph 2G 21, just after crossing the equator ceremony, May 1966.

TV Fairsky photograph 2G 35, May 1966, Jane Reeve. Approaching Australia.


Proof of receipt. (No track and trace delivery indicated.)


When I realised the truth of, as I put it, “[T]he avoidable deaths of Nick Spanos and Stephan Melrose in Roermond, Holland,” I acted instinctively in bringing the reality to a wider audience.

Something needed to be done so the fate that befell them would not claim others. By making truth known to those in power, in this instance to two Australian prime minister’s, I felt something might be done.

How innocent I was.

Why is the amateur world I live in so different from the professional world of politicians and others?

Seán Kelly.

PS. Malcolm Turnbull, if you have a real interest in the pursuit of justice, you might let me know. Soon please – I am an old man!

Readers, would you consider contacting Mr. Turnbull on my behalf? Greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Previous: The Irish News 11 December 2000


Next: Collateral Damage Film (Transcript)